Red letter new testament pdf

The new testament of the holy bible king james version. New testament matthew, mark, luke, john, acts, romans, 1 corinthians, 2 corinthians, galatians, ephesians, philippians, colossians, 1 thessalonians, 2 thessalonians, 1 timothy. Find the most searched for books, chapters and verses using search indicators showing what people tend to look for the most. J b phillips new testament rearranged for the internet. Red letter bible and kjv version, the holy bible king james version, and. The kjv is in the public domain, thus you may distribute it freely. A passion for read and understanding scripture the idea of printing the words of christ in red originated with lous klopsch, editor of christian herald magazine. New testament red letter edition the gospel according to saint matthew. J b phillips new testament rearranged for the internet to simplify 1 following the story of jesus, 2 the early church, 3 finding christian teaching on life and worship. Holy bible modern literal version new testament 2020 update february 29, 2020 if the links in this file are not clickable, download the html version from. The first red letter new testament was published in 1899, and the first red letter bible followed two years later. You know those christians that take the red letters of those verses in the new testament seriously. What jesus was recorded as saying the new testament with his words in red. Translated out of the original greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised.

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